A two day National Android Apps Development Workshop was held at Camellia Institute of Technology on 18.02.2014 and 19.02.2104. IIT Roorkee and Finland Labs selected Camellia Institute of Technology as the Zonal Centre for Google Android Apps Development Championship & Workshop. The workshop round was conducted in association with official Android Partner Finland Labs, who are providing state-of-the –art Education in this field of Technology. The Research Team Members present at the workshop was Mr. Ravi Kumar, Research Engineer and Mr. Ankit Kumar, Research Engineer. The following four participants was awarded as winners of the championship. 1. SRABANI PODDER – CSE-4th Year. 2. JOYDIP BANERJEE – CSE-4th Year. 3. SUBHOJIT SHAW – CSE-4th Year. 4. ROHIT SAHA – CSE-4th Year.
CAMPUSeCONNECT CODING AND TESTING CAMP : AN INITIATIVE BY INSYNC & CAMELLIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYA coding and testing competition was held at Camellia Institute of Technology, Madhyamgram on 14th November 2014. This was organized jointly by Camellia Group and a renowned IT product company from Kolkata – InSync Solutions, under its initiative called CAMPUSeCONNECT. With this initiative, InSync’s objective is to bridge the gap between the IT industry and the academy sector.
The coding and testing camp was a first-of-its-kind campus-drive which was held in Camellia. It was of 3 levels with increasing difficulty. Each level was an elimination Round. There were over 190 registration for the competition. 6 from coding and 15 from testing crossed Level 1 and reached Level 2. There was a tough competition in Level 2 and 3 and the participants who cleared Level 3 got on-spot job offers from InSync.
CISCO EDUCATION FORUM 2015The educators from Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Camellia Institute of Technology represented our Institution as delegates in the CISCO Education Forum 2015(Transforming Education with connected learning) on 1st July,2015 at The Oberoi Grand,Kolkata.
WORKSHOP ON CISCO UNIFIED DATA CENTERThe educators from Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Camellia Institute of Technology represented our Institution as delegates in the CISCO Unified Data Center in Kolkata on 17th July at The Park,Kolkata.
WORKSHOP ON APACHE CORDOVA : AN INITIATIVE BY FINISHING SCHOOL & CSE DEPARTMENT OF CAMELLIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYApache cordova workshop was held at Camellia Institute of Technology, Madhyamgram on 16th to 19th May 2017. This was organized jointly by Computer science department and Finishing school .Apache Cordova Training programme helps the students to get better exposure in hybrid/ cross platform mobile application development. Cordova is a platform that is used for building mobile apps using HTML, CSS & JS. Cordova is a container for connecting the web app with native (Android/ IOS)mobile functionalities. Web application can't use native mobile functionalities by default. This is where Cordova technology is coming in. It offers a bridge for connection between web app and mobile device. By using Cordova we can make hybrid mobile apps that can use Camera, Geo location, File system and other native mobile functions.
The application made by our student:
Training By: Axsys Technologies Limited. Trainers: