Any passed out student of CIT will automatically become eligible for membership of the CITAAM.
Type of Membership:
Life Member : Any alumnus of the Institute can be a Life Member of the CITAAM by paying such amount of one-time subscription at the time of admission.
General Member: Any alumnus of the Institute can be a General Member of the CITAAM by paying such amount of yearly subscription as may be stipulated from time to time by the General Body at its Annual Meetings.
Amount of subscription shall be fixed as per the decision taken by the General Body at its Annual Meetings. It will be payable only once by the Life member or once annually by the General Member according to the English Calendar.
Discontinuation of Membership:
Life Membership may be discontinued for such reason that may be deemed fit to be decided by the Association in the General Meeting.
General Membership may be discontinued-(1) on withdrawal in writing and on payment of all arrears of subscription due at the time, or (2) for default in payment of subscription for a period of consecutive two years and upon a notice of termination in writing, or (3) for any other reason that may be deemed fit to be decided by the Association in the General Body Meeting.
Re-admission of Membership: Any member can be readmitted on written application and clearance of all dues, if there is any. However, that the Association shall have the power to deal with every particular case in any manner as it deem fit.
Membership Registers:
Registers of Life and General Members recording the details of their date of admission, address, contact nos. and e-mail addresses shall be kept at the office of the association.
Final Control :
The final control in all the matters shall rest with the Executive Committee of the Association formed in its General Body Meetings.