Welcome to Department of Civil Engineering, Camellia Institute of Technology, Madhyamgram, Kolkata 129. Civil Engineering is the oldest engineering discipline and plays a vital role in the overall infrastructure growth of a country. Civil Engineering is a professional core engineering discipline that basically deals with Structural design and Construction, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, water supply & sanitary Engineering, Waste water Management and Environmental Engineering.
Our department consists of various laboratories furnished with the new technological set up and apparatus. This gives scope to all the students to have hands on experience individually, which will increase their confidence to face the practical problems in the field of Civil Engineering of relevant domain. The department strives to impart knowledge and training of highest standard. The objective of the department is to prepare students for a successful career in Industry, Research and Academics to meet the needs of growing technology.
Our department regularly conducts workshops and seminars by the experts from Industry and Academic background for constant knowledge up-gradation of faculty and students. Industrial visits are also regularly organized to improve the practical knowledge of the students and to have an interaction with the industry people.
Our department has a team of experienced and motivated faculty members, good infrastructure and lab facilities. All the Faculty members are well qualified and capable enough in preparing our students for competition. Students are facilitated with personality development program (PDP Classes), communication classes for better placements and competitive exams. Our faculty members are continuously attending various training programs, publishing research papers.
I am confident that the students of this department would justify the credibility of the department by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective field.
I wish best of luck to all of them.
Prof. Arup Kumar Marik,
B.C.E.(Jad), M.E. (Cal)
Mail: arupmarik@gmail.com