BANDHAN the Industry Institute partnership cell (IIPC) is established for enhancing the relationship between the institute and industry. This cell identifies the industrial expectation and promotes institutional preparation for meeting industrial needs by facilitating sponsored R&D projects, seminars, workshops and various other industrial training programmes. Organising such IIPC's in institution makes an effective contribution to educational system rather than criticizing shortcomings which are expected by the industry. Industry Institute partnership reflects in equipping faculty to latest practices and makes the students industry-ready by providing exposure to current industry practices, and hone their skills to adapt changing technologies. The primary focus of IIPC is to interact with elite industries in West Bengal and extend the efforts in establishing partnership with industries across the country in near future. The objective of the IIP Cell is to reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry to attain a symbiosis. Indian industry at present has reached the most crucial turning point where it has to face the dynamic demands of the competitive domestic and global markets through the provisions of high quality products and services. To survive and succeed in this new scenario, the input that is most essential is the human resource. As technologies change rapidly, retraining and updating of the work force continuously are becoming major challenges facing every country today. Camellia Institute of Technology, Kolkata has setup an Industry Institute Partnership Cell for the above purpose. Industries and Technical Institution have a strong mutuality of interest which forms the basis of a partnership between them. The institute has set up an industry-institute Partnership Cell with the following objectives:
1.Developing close links between Industry-Institute by interaction programs. High priority is given to activities-designed to bring about improvement in the performance of industries.
2.Mobilizing industrial personnel- A partnership approach
3.Identifying the present day requirements for professionals and meeting the future human resource needs.
4.Disseminating technical advances through informal educational techniques.
5.Training the shop floor personnel's through continuing education programme.
6.Publishing and issuing technical bulletins news letter and course material with latest technological developments.
7.Organizing seminars, symposium, exhibitions and workshops.
8.Collaborating with other societies(National and International) having similar objectives.
9.Widening and effectively implementing the area of R&D and consultancy.
1.Arranging industrial training for students and faculty members.
2.Identifying the opportunities for student project work in Industries.
3.Encourages the department level tie-ups or MoUs with Industries for the mutual benefit.
4.Research and development activities with industry.
5.Promoting consultancy activities, training courses for industry people.
6.Enrich the teaching learning process through identified industrial training / visit.
7.Planning for students industrial visit.
8.Inviting industry experts for guest lectures, seminars and expertise sharing.
In order to achieve the stated Aim and Objectives, BANDHAN will broadly be engaged in the following activities:
1.To identify the scientific and technical requirements of the "industry", in which R&D work can be taken up by BANDHAN.
2.To promote synergetic partnership between Industry and CIT for taking up joint research programmes involving the students of CIT.
3.To conduct relevant R&D activities within or outside the premises of CIT with the involvement of students and the faculty of CIT under the supervision/guidance of experts from outside CIT.
4.To motivate and involve students of CIT in the relevant R&D activities of this Cell with an aim to transform these graduating engineers into professional engineers who are usefully employable by the Industry.
5.To organise lectures, interactive workshops, conferences, seminars, brain storming sessions, technical discussions, consultancy Sessions, training, orientation courses, meetings, visits etc, involving members of the Industry, outside experts, eminent personalities, faculty and students of CIT.
6.To generate resources- financial, material and human, both from within and outside CIT for creating very high-quality infrastructure and research facilities within and outside the CIT premise.
7.To take up sponsored projects from Industry and other funding agencies
8.To take up industry-based projects funded by AICTE, DST, DRDO, CSIR and other funding agencies.
9.To fund some projects and sub-projects to outside agencies including Academia, in order to conduct these relevant R&D activities smoothly and efficiently within or outside the premises of CIT with the involvement of students and the faculty of CIT under the supervision of outside experts.
10.To provide technical consultancy services to/from the industry.
11.To invite expert members of the Industry to CIT to spend varying durations as Guest Faculty members/Research Supervisors/ Technical Consultants etc. with other Engineering Colleges and Technical Institutes where such interactive research programmes are running successfully.
12.To share the experience, through exchange of lectures, visits and meetings etc.
13.To access periodically the scientific and technological scenario in India and abroad in order to translate it into action for taking up R&D work.
14.To help students of CIT in getting suitable placements in industries/companies/other employing organization in the Government and Private Sectors based on the R&D work carried out by these students, within or outside CIT and facilitated by CIT-IIPC.
15.Also CIT-IIPC arranged numerous numbers of Industrial visits for the UG & PG Students.
16.Our management sponsors nearly 2.5 lakhs for inviting Guest lecturers for the benefits of our students.
Advisory Members of BANDHAN:
1.Mr. Sivaranjan Banerjee- Sr.VP-Projects- Cement Manufacturing Company Ltd
2.Dr. J. Sareen- Head-HR-Simplex Infratsructure Ltd
3.Mr. Niloy Biswas- Dean-Admin-EMC Academy Ltd
4.Mr. P. K. Roy- ESAB Welding Institute
5.Mr. Dhurabajyoti Majumader- MAnager-HR-LnT ECC
6.Mr. D. Roy- Director- International Combustion Ltd
7.Mr. S. Trivedi- Principal Advisor- Linde Group
8.Mr. Kanishka Banerjee- Manager-HR and Admin- Diamond Beverages Ltd
9.Mr. Robin Roy- MD- Suncraft Solar
10.Mr. Dulal Ray- Head-HR and Admin- Tirumala seven Hills Ltd
11.Mr. Santanu Chatterjee- Sr.VP -HR-Himadri Chemicals Ltd
12.DR. Probal Sengupta- MD-Alumnus Software
13.Dr. Partha Mukherjee- CEO- Ubique Sytems
14.Dr. Siddhartha Pandey- VP-HR-EMC Ltd
15.Mr. Anirban Sengupta- Jt. Vice President and CTO-STUP Consultant Pvt Ltd
16.Mr. Kushal Banerjee- Head- Academic Alliance- TCS
Committee members of BANDHAN:
1.Prof. Dr. Sanghamitra Chatterjee- Vice Chairman
2.Prof. Manoj Kumar Pain- Coordinator