1.Publications in International/National Journals |
SL No. |
Name of the Author |
Publication Title with Page Number |
Name of the Journal |
Level |
Year of Publication |
ISSN/ISBN Number |
1. |
Patra, A. and Debbarma, N |
Prediction of Reservoir Release using Genetic Programming and ANFIS Models Coupled with Wavelet Transform |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications |
International |
2017 |
0974-5572 |
2. |
Dey.S, Chattapadhyay.B.C., Maity.J |
Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing On Cohesionless Soil 3(5) |
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) |
International |
2017 |
2454-9292 |
3. |
Dey.S., Guha.S., Sarkar.P.,RoutH.A. |
Effects of Sand to Fly Ash Ratio on the hardened Properties of Geopolymer Mortar 6(9) |
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) |
International |
2016 |
2250-3005 |
4. |
Kankana Maji |
Enhancement of Shear Strength and Stability of Soil by using Plastic Strip |
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) |
International |
2016 |
ISSN (e):2229-5518, Vol. 07, Issue 04, April, 2016 |
5. |
Mahato, J. and Patra, A. |
Seasonal Reservoir Release Prediction Using ANFIS & Different Type of Wavelet Based ANFIS” International Journal of Latest Transactions in Engineering And Science |
-------- |
--------- |
2018 |
ISSN:2321-0605 |
2.Details of Paper presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Symposium |
SL No. |
Name of the Author |
Title of Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. with date |
Organized by |
Level: College or University /Regional/State/ National/International |
1. |
Patra, A. and Debbarma, N |
Seasonal reservoir water level prediction using wavelet based anfis and fuzzy regression models |
International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro2016) |
CWPRS Pune (HYDRO 2016) |
International |
2. |
Patra, A. and Debbarma, N |
Wavelet based fuzzy regression model in predicting reservoir water release |
National Conference of Hydro and Watershed Management (NCHWM-2017) |
NIT Silchar |
National |
3. |
Prof. Koushik Saha |
Deterioration of aquatic environment by disposal of plastic litter:a review |
Naional Conference on Technology & Science, February 23-24,2017 |
Camellia Institute of Technology |
International |
4. |
Ghosh, S., Saha, D. & Dwivedi, V.K. |
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for River Kosi System Lying in Lower Himalaya, Nepal |
India Water Week(10-14th Oct), 2017, 12th October, 2017 |
Central water Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, river Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. Of India. |
International |
5. |
Prof. Srijita Dey |
Seismic Design of reinforced Soil Structures |
3.Details of Training Courses, Teaching - Learning - Evaluation Technology Programme, Faculty Development Programme Attened |
SL No. |
Name of the Faculty |
Name of the programme |
Duration of the programme |
Organized by |
Level: National/ International |
1. |
Prof. Koushik Saha |
Sureying by Total Stattion |
1 week |
NITTTR, Kolkata |
National |
2. |
Prof. Koushik Saha |
Disaster Management- an Awareness Programme |
1 week |
NITTTR, Kolkata |
National |
3. |
Prof. Koushik Saha |
Entrepreneurship Development |
2 weeks |
Webcon Consulting (India) Limited |
National |
4. |
Kankana Maji |
Surveying by Total Station |
1 weeks |
National |
5. |
Kankana Maji |
Entrepreneurship Development |
2 weeks |
Webcon Consulting (India) Limited |
National |
6. |
Dripta Saha |
Laboratory Testing of soil |
5 days |
Dr. JagatJyotiMondal, NITTTR |
National |
7. |
Dripta Saha |
Faculty Development Program |
2 days |
ARDS Consultants & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. & CIET-CIP |
National |
8. |
Koushik Saha |
Laboratory Testing of soil |
5 days |
Dr. JagatJyotiMondal, NITTTR |
National |
9. |
Arbind Ghosh |
Water Supply Engineering (FDP) |
12 Weeks |
Prof. Manoj Kumar Tiwari(NPTEL) |
International |
10. |
Arbind Ghosh |
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures |
12 Weeks |
Prof. Nirjhar Dhang(NPTEL) |
International |
11. |
Arbind Ghosh |
Laboratory Testing of Soil |
5 days |
Dr. Jagat Jyoti Mondal (NITTTR, kolkata) |
National |
12. |
Srijita Dey |
Geotechnical Aspects of Pile Foundations (ICT306) |
5 days |
Dr. Jagat Jyoti Mondal (NITTTR, kolkata) |
National |
13. |
Srijita Dey |
Laboratory Testing of Soil (ICT237) |
5 days |
Dr. Jagat Jyoti Mondal (NITTTR, kolkata) |
National |
14. |
Srijita Dey |
Water Supply Engineering (FDP) |
12 Weeks |
Prof. Manoj Kumar Tiwari(NPTEL) |
International |