The library has a generous collection of Engineering, Reference books. In addition, it has books on Humanities, Social Sciences and Career Guidance.
1. Books ( as on 01.03.2023 )
Volume - 23,024 Title - 2868
Stream wise number of titles and number of volume of books:
CSE | ECE | EEE | EE | ME | CE | |
TITLE | 722 |
479 | 304 | 612 | 542 | 209 |
VOLUME | 5894 |
3729 | 2232 | 4611 | 4500 | 2058 |
On - Line Subscription:
Newspaper,Employment News,Journal Print,Magazine:
1.Newspaper: 3
2.Journal print: 59
3.Magazine: 5
Digital Library:
With the introduction of the digital library, facilities and services are being upgraded and expanded. Some of the current facilities include.
Access to -
DELNET: http://delnet.nic.in
IEI: login -IM0003273
NDL: http://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
EMAIL ID: ranjanbabucit@gmail.com