Objective of PRAYAS:
1.To act as an institutional mechanism for providing various services including information to budding student entrepreneurs.
2.To create Entrepreneurial culture in the Parent Institution and other institutions in the region and to promote the objectives of NSTEDB, including programmes related to women and weaker sections of the society
3.To foster better linkages between the Parent Institution, Industries and R&D institutions in the region and other related organizations engaged in promoting Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) including NGOs and other Voluntary Organisations.
4.To catalyse and promote development of S&T based Enterprises and promote employment opportunities
5.To respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities both at national and international level relating to SMEs and Micro Enterprises.
Function of PRAYAS:
1.To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes in the region for the benefit of S&T persons.
2.To develop and introduce curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development at various levels including degree/diploma courses of the parent institution and other institutes in the region.
3.To conduct research work and survey for identifying entrepreneurial opportunities (particularly in S&T areas and Service sector).
4.To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support systems and information on various technologies
5.To organize guest lectures, TV & Radio talks, Seminars, etc. for promotion and growth of S& T based entrepreneurship.
6.To arrange visits to industries for prospective entrepreneurs
7.To extend necessary guidance and escort services to the trainees in obtaining approval and execution of their projects.
8.To act as a Regional Information Centre on business opportunities, processes, technologies, market, etc. by creating and maintaining relevant databases.
9.To provide testing, calibration, quality assurance, design, tool room, pilot plant and other facilities for Entrepreneurs besides expertise in Intellectual Property rights, Patents search, etc.
10.To render advice to sick enterprises and assist the entrepreneurs in rehabilitating them.
11.To conduct skill development training programmes leading to self/wage employment.
Advisory Committee of PRAYASH - The EDC of CIT
1.Mr. Subobroto Bhattacharya- Rgional Manager- NEN
2.Mr. Deepak Kumar Khaitan- Practising Company Secretary- NEN
3.Mr. Sujoy Sen- IIM Calcutta
4.Mr. Arijit Bhattacharjee- CEO- Virtual Infocom Pvt Ltd
5.Mr. Kamal Agarwal- CEO- La Exactly Software Pvt Ltd
6.Mr. Deepanjan Purkasthya- CEO- A2Z Apps
7.Mr. Atul Gupta- CEO - Insync Techfin Systems Ltd
8.Mr. Abhishek Rungta- CEO- Indusnet Technologies Pvt Ltd
9.Mr. Ravi Kumar- Head- NASSCOM Startup Warehouse, Kolkata
10.Mr. Subhrangshu Sanyal- CEO- IIM Calcutta Incubation Park
11.Mr. Suvranshu Kar---Founder - erp2online
12.Mr. Somnath Ukil---Founder- Quintessential Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
13.Mr Samrat Laha--- Founder- Solace Renewable Energy Pvt Ltd
Member of PRAYASH:
1.Prof(Dr.) Sanghamitra Chatterjee- Principal, Institute Admin-EDC
2.Prof. Manoj Kumar Pain- Faculty Facilitator, Advisor-EDC
3.Mr. Suprio Mitra-Faculty Facilitator