1.Publications in International/National Journals |
SL No. |
Name of the Author |
Publication Title with Page Number |
Name of the Journal |
Level |
Year of Publication |
ISSN/ISBN Number |
1. |
J. Roy*,S. Chandra,S. Das, S. Maitra |
Oxidation behavior of silicon Carbide- 38/29-39 |
Reviews of Advanced Materials Science |
International |
2014 |
1605-8127 |
2. |
Jagannath Roy*,Saikat Maitra |
Mullitization of Manganese Doped Aluminosilicate Diphasic Gel 5/299-308 |
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology |
International |
2014 |
2190-9385 |
3. |
Jagannath Roy*,Saikat Maitra |
Synthesis and Characterization of Sol-gel derived Chemical Mullite/5/57-62 |
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology |
International |
2014 |
2190-9385 |
4. |
Jagannath Roy*,Saikat Maitra |
Mullitization of aluminosilicate diphasic gel in the presence of nickel oxide additive/49/1579-1588 |
Journal of Composite Materials |
International |
2015 |
1530-793X |
5. |
Jagannath Roy*,Santanu Das, Saikat Maitra |
Solgel processed mullite coating-S2/E71-E77 |
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
International |
2015 |
1744-7402 |
6. |
J. Roy*,S. Chandra,S. Das, S. Maitra |
Nanotechnology in Castable Refractory |
Nano |
International |
Under Review |
1793-2920 |
7. |
Biswajit Singha,Sudip Kumar Das |
Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution and industrial effluent using natural/agricultural wastes, 107 (97-106). |
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
International |
2013 |
0927-7765 |
8. |
Biswajit Singha, Nirjhar Bar, Sudip Kumar Das |
The use of artificial neural networks (ANN) for modelling of adsorption of Cr(VI) ions, 52 (415-425). |
Desalination and wastewater treatment |
International |
2014 |
1944-3994 |
9. |
Mitra.,T, Singha, B., Bar, N., Das, S.K., |
Removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solution using water hyacinthroot by fixed-bed column and ANN modeling, 273 (94-103). |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
International |
2014 |
0304-3894 |
10. |
Biswajit Singha, Nirjhar Bar, Sudip Kumar Das |
The use of artificial neural network (ANN) for modeling of Pb(II) adsorption in batch process, 211 (228-232). |
Journal of Molecular Liquids |
International |
2015 |
0167-7322 |
11. |
Sinha, C., Singha, B., Mandal, S. N. |
Fly ash as a solid waste used for the removal of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solution, 20 (6) (36-41). |
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment |
International |
2016 |
0972-0626 |
12. |
Ushasi. Datta, S. Chakraborty, et. al |
Response of multi-strip multi-gap resistive plate chamber 10, 7005 |
Journal of Instrumentation |
International |
2015 |
1748-0221 |
13. |
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta Pramanik, et. al |
Study of Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich Aluminium isotopes through Coulomb Breakup66, 02019 |
European Physics Journal |
International |
2014 |
978-2-7598-1175-5 |
14. |
Marko Roder, et. al , S. Chakraborty |
Coulomb dissociation of 20,21N 93, 065807 |
International |
2016 |
2469-9993 |
15. |
R. Thies, et. al, S. Chakraborty |
Systematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotope, 93, 054601 |
International |
2016 |
2469-9993 |
16. |
S.G. Altstadt, et. al , S. Chakraborty |
13,14B(n, V) via Coulomb Dissociation for Nucleosynthesis towards the r-Process, 120, 197-200 |
Nuclear Data Sheets |
International |
2014 |
0090-3752 |
17. |
C. Caesar, et. al,S. Chakraborty |
Beyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes 25O and 26O, 88, 034313 |
International |
2013 |
2469-9993 |
18. |
A. Rahaman, et. al , S. Chakraborty |
Direct evidence of ground state wave function of neutron-rich 29,30Na Isotope through Coulomb breakup, 66, 02087 |
European Physics Journal |
International |
2014 |
978-2-7598-1175-5 |
19. |
J. Ray, et. al, S. Chakraborty |
Exotic decay of hot rotating nuclei near proton drip line. 66, 02089 |
European Physics Journal |
International |
2014 |
978-2-7598-1175-5 |
20. |
A. Rahaman, et. al, S. Chakraborty |
Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich 29,30Na isotopes near the island of inversion44, 045101 |
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics |
International |
2017 |
1361-6471 |
21. |
U. Datta, et. al, S. Chakraborty |
Direct experimental evidence for a multiparticle-hole ground state configuration of deformed 33Mg, 94, 034304 |
International |
2016 |
2469-9993 |
22. |
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta, et. al |
Study of Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich 35Al through Coulomb Breakup,96, 034301 |
International |
2017 |
2469-9993 |
23. |
Bhattacharje, G., Bera, G., Das, S.K., Singha, B. |
Carbide fire in an acetylene gas plant a case study, 14-18 |
American Journal of Physical Sciences and Applications |
International |
2019 |
US:ISSN: 2644-0792 |
2.Articles/Chapters published in Books |
SL No. |
Name of the Author |
Name of the Chapter |
Book Title |
Publisher |
Level |
ISSN/ISBN Number |
1. |
S. Maitra, J. Roy |
Nanoceramic Matrix Composite |
Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites |
Elsevier(Accepted for publication) |
International |
9780081021668 |
2. |
Jagannath Roy*,Saikat Maitra |
Composite Membrane: Fabrications, Characterizations and Applications |
Handbook of Modern Coating Technology |
Elsevier(Accepted for publication) |
International |
9780444632401 |
3. |
Biswajit Singha,Nirjhar Bar,Sudip Kumar Das |
Artificial Neural Network Modeling for the biosorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous System |
Multi-Objective Optimization: Evolutionary to Hybrid Framework |
Spinger(Accepted for publication) |
International |
----- |
4. |
Biswajit Singha |
Use of Wastage Biomaterial/Biomass for Wastewater Treatment and Modeling: Mathematical Modeling for Adsorption Processes |
Handbook of Research on Waste Diversion and Minimization Technologies for the Industrial Sector, Published by IGI Global, USA |
IGI Global, USA |
International |
ISBN13: 9781799849216, EISBN13: 9781799849223 |
3.Details of Paper presented in Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Symposium |
SL No. |
Name of the Author |
Title of Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. with date |
Organized by |
Level: College or University /Regional/State/ National/International |
1. |
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta Pramanik, et. al |
Study of Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich 35Al |
Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2015,Vol.60 |
Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. Of India |
National |
2. |
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta Pramanik, et. al |
Study of Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich Aluminium isotopes through Electromagnetic excitation |
Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2013,Vol.58 |
Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. Of India |
National |
3. |
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta Pramanik, et. al |
Study of Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich Aluminium isotopes through Coulomb Breakup |
GSI Scientific report 2013, PHN-ENNA-EXP-26 |
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany |
International |
4. |
Singha, B., Naiya, T.K., Das, S.K., |
Removal of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solution using tree leaves |
India water week-2013, April 8-12, 2013 |
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India. |
National |
5. |
Sinha, C., Singha, B., Mandal, S.N. |
Fly ash as a solid waste used for the removal of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solution |
WRJ-2015, 26 to 28 November, 2015 |
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. |
International |
6. |
Sinha, C., Singha, B. |
Biosorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solution: FTIR and application studies |
National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management, 20-21st February, 2016 |
BITM Campus, Santiniketan, India. |
National |
7. |
Bar, N., Singha, B., Das, S.K |
Neuro-genetic modeling for the biosorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous system |
9th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management towards Circular Economy, 27-30th November, 2019 |
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. |
International |
4.Details of Training Courses, Teaching - Learning - Evaluation Technology Programme, Faculty Development Programme Attened |
SL No. |
Name of the Faculty |
Name of the programme |
Duration of the programme |
Organized by |
Level: National/ International |
1. |
Dr. Jagannath Roy |
UGC sponsored Refresher Course |
28th June-18th July'2013 |
The Academic Staff College, University of Burdwan |
National |
2. |
Dr. Jagannath Roy |
Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Development |
29th May-13th June, 2017 |
DST NIMAT, Govt of India |
National |
3. |
Dr. Jagannath Roy |
Induction Training-Phase I |
17th July-23rd July'2017 |
NITTTR Kolkata |
National |
4. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
Special summer school on Biomedical, Engineering & Envirnmental issues |
June 12-July 02, 2014 |
UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta. |
National |
5. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI) |
3 day (July 16-18, 2018) |
All India Council for Technical Education (at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata) |
National |
6. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
Environmental Pollution and Health: Short term traning programme through ICT mode |
5 day (April 27-May 01, 2021) |
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Kolkata |
National |
7. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
DEEKSHARAMBH (Student Induction Program) |
5 day (August 10-14, 2020) |
NIT Patna |
National |
8. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
Air Pollution and Climate Change (APCC-2021) |
5 day (September 20-24, 2021) |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, SV NIT Surat |
National |
9. |
Dr. Biswajit Singha |
Waste Technology |
5 day(October 25-29, 2021) |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, NITTTR, Kolkata |
National |