Camellia Institute of Technology aspires to produce engineers who will be able lead the country, not only in the field of technology but also in the field of economy. To reach the mark, it needs to evolve systems and mechanisms to convert the present demographic dividend into high quality technical human resource capable of doing cutting edge research and innovation and deep-tech and non-tech entrepreneurship.
The institute is engaged in Entrepreneurship related activities for more than 10 years. The Institute is,
1. Encouraging the faculties in different FDPs on Entrepreneurship, organized by Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Kolkata, National Entrepreneurship Network (Wadhwani Foundation), Kolkata Ventures etc. One of our faculty serves as Expert Mentor to different EDPs, conducted by Wadhwani Foundation and PM YUVA.
2. Running different Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP) under Wadhwani Foundation and PM YUVA, for the students.
3. Producing students and Alumni, who are successful in
a. Innovation
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Business
4. Supporting Students, Faculties and Staffs in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Pre-Incubation Policy is a guiding framework to envision an educational system oriented towards start ups and entrepreneurship opportunities for student and faculties. This institute wants to make 'innovation', as its epicenter of education. In order to achieve the cultural and attitudinal shift and to ensure that 'Innovation and Startup' culture is the primary fulcrum of our higher education system a policy framework and guidelines are the need of this hour. These guidelines will enable our institute to actively support our faculty, staff and students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) related activities, thus encouraging students and faculty to consider start ups and entrepreneurship as a career option.
Institute will facilitate the startup activities/ technology development by allowing students/ faculty/ staff to use institute infrastructure and facilities, as per the choice of the potential entrepreneur in the following manners:
a. Encouraging short-term/ six-month/ one-year part-time entrepreneurship training.
b. Providing Mentorship support on regular basis.
c. Facilitation in a variety of areas including technology development, ideation, creativity,
d. Design thinking, new venture planning, business development, product development, social entrepreneurship, product costing etc.
e. Allowing the Students and Faculties to use its laboratories, computer centers, internet facilities and library to do their works related to I&E, beyond curriculum hours.
f. Engaging staffs, who have a strong innovation and entrepreneurial/ industrial experience, behaviour and attitude. This will help in fostering the I&E culture.
g. Deputing Some of the relevant faculty members with prior exposure and interest, for training to promote I&E.
h. Engaging staffs in entrepreneurial activities, career development with constant upskilling.
i. Encouraging Faculty and departments of the institutes to work in coherence and to strengthen cross-departmental linkages through shared faculty, cross-faculty teaching and research in order to gain maximum utilization of internal resources and knowledge.
j. Engaging some external subject matter experts such as guest lecturers or alumni periodically for strategic advice and bringing in skills which are not available internally.
k. Encouraging Faculty and staffs to do courses on innovation, entrepreneurship management and venture development.
The institute is at nascent stage of incubation. The institute has MoU with several organizations, like Wadhwani Foundation, Kolkata Ventures, NASSCOM, CII-YI etc. whose network can be used for getting Incubation from Outside. Incubation Center of MAKAUT is also open for our students.
Institute will also try to create link between the startups to other seed-fund providers/ angel funds/ venture funds or itself may set up seed-fund once the incubation activities mature.
This Institute has strong relation with Totalstart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers, Wadhwani Foundation, Kolkata Ventures, NASSCOM CII-YI etc., who helps to develop the entrepreneurship ecosystem in this institute.
The institute is maintaining a vibrant Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, since last decade.