Vision The Finishing School is pledged to Camellia Institute of Technology for producing the Global level competent and skillful sources with innovative thoughts to face the challenging future by maintaining Indian values, from beginning to end for handling the professional perspectives by giving them an environment in their study period to make them feel their actual contribution in Career Building as well as for the growth of the Nation Building. To organize professional seminars in order to enhance the students with knowledge from and about Industrial, Commercial and Professional sector. Mission -->Bridging the gap between the needs of the Industry and Skills of the Students. -->To develop confidence in the students through curricular, co- curricular and extra-curricular activities. -->To conduct seminars, workshops and guest lecture to keep the students active throughout the course. -->To promote career counseling by organizing guidanceby senior corporate personnel & professional Motivators. -->Providing requisite training to students in the area of Personality Development and Communication Skills. -->To equip with competence among the students through internship and pre-placement training. -->To collaborate with industry for Live Projects, Research work, Workshop or any Academic Alliance, Industrial visits with many Industrial Organizations of repute. |
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Prof. AbhishekSaha |
Prof. AbhishekSaha Experience : 13 years as Assistant Professor in Camellia Institute of Technology Expertise : Industry Specific Aptitude Mentoring for the Job Aspirants E-mail-saha.abhishek1983@gmail.com |
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Prof. Pranab Das Chowdhury |
Prof. Pranab Das Chowdhury Experience 10 years as an Assistant Professor , Expertise : Mentoring Aptitude in Mathematics for B.Tech Job Aspirants Phone no. +919641762533 |
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Prof. Sumnta Ghosh |
Visiting Trainer Prof. Sumnta Ghosh Experience : 25+ years of experience in the Training Industry and complied 16 Books on IT training..Corporate trainer at Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, Sikkim, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Maharasthra. E-mail ID - sumantoghosh@theiitm.com Mobile No.-9830203117 |
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Col. PrabirSengupta |
Visiting Trainer Retd. Col. PrabirSengupta Colonel pursued education at a premier business school (IIMB) and was the Global Head, Hiring with an MNC. His insight in practicing leadership and motivation for over 30 years has helped shape next level leaders in various organizations. Visiting Trainer : Different IIT & IIM s and Defense Sector. Honoured by the President of India with a VishishtSeva Medal and handpicked to serve at The Presidential House with Late President APJ Kalam. E-mail ID – sengupta.col@gmail.com Mobile No.- 9051025672 |
Campus to Corporate Initiative
(A Driving Process for A Career of Excellence)
Prof. Manoj Kumar Pain
Chief Coordinator
1ST |
3RD |
5TH |
7TH |
Business Dynamics |
Campus to Corporate |
Etiquette, Goal Setting and Time Management |
1hr |
1hr |
Interpersonal Effectiveness |
Business Communication |
1hr |
1hr |
English |
Communicating English |
Enhance Skill for English Communication e.g. for TOEFL |
1hr |
1hr |
1hr |
1hr |
Technical English |
Enrich level of English aptitude e.g., CAT/GATE/GRE/GMAT |
1hr |
1hr |
Interactive English |
Training for GD & PI |
1hr |
Aptitude |
Foundation Course |
Basic Physics & Mathematics for Aptitude |
1hr |
1hr |
Advanced Course |
Advanced Physics & Mathematics for Aptitude |
1hr |
1hr |
Technology Fundamental |
C, DS, C++, JAVA, OS, DBMS, Networking |
Enhancement of knowledge for Software Industry |
3hrs |
3hrs |
3hrs |