Dr.Chatterjee is the Principal of Camellia Institute of Technology, Kolkata and professor of Electronics and Communication engineering Department. She is an alumnus of Bethune Collegiate School and Lady Brabourne College. She has completed her B.TECH and M.TECH from Applied Physics Department under University of Calcutta. She received her Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering from Birmingham University, UK. She received her Ph.D. (Tech) degree in Photonics from University College of Science and Technology under Calcutta University. After that she joined as an Associate Professor in Camellia Institute of Technology.
Dr. Chatterjee is life member of Institute of Engineers (IEI) and Optical Society of India (OSI). She is also senior member of IEEE. Presently she is holding the post of the Vice President of Physics Alumni Association of Lady Brabourne College. She was past Secretary and Treasurer of IEEE-WIE affinity group. She was Past President of SPIE, Student Chapter, Kolkata.
She received a special invitation and award by International Society of Photonics Engineer (SPIE) for presenting a paper at San Diego, USA in 2007.
She has published several papers and book chapters in different reputed national and international journals. Her current research interest is in system biology, computational biology, Bio informatics. She is the Joint Supervisor of different research scholars working in the Radio Physics Department of Calcutta University.
She is also a Career Consultant of different UG and PG courses.
Prof(Dr.) Sanghamitra Chatterjee