In accordance with Section 4 AICTE (Gender Sensitization,Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual harassment of Women Employees and Students and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions) Regulations 2016 vide No. F.AICTE/WH/2016/01 dated 10.06.2016 , the internal complaints committee (ICC ) consisting of the following members is constituted.
1. Mrs. Joyita Chakraborty- Presiding Officer
2. Prof.(Dr.) Sarmistha Choudhuri- Faculty Member(Convenor)
4. Mr. Prabal Pal- Member(Non Teaching)
5. Mrs. Sunanda Mukherjee – Member(Non Teaching)
6. Pikan Kumar Hazra(CSE 2nd year)- Student Member
7. Supriti Manna(CSE 3rd year)- Student Member
8. Malay Saha(ECE 4th year)- Student Member
9. Ashesh Das(ECE 4th year)- Student Member
The internal complaints Committee shall look into all complaints of sexual harassment at workplace in CAMELLIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY and devise effective measures to ensure a better environment for women at workplace. It would also welcome complaints, grievances or suggestions, if any, in this regard to ensure a congenial atmosphere to the working of men and women.