Prof.Uttam Kumar Dey is a senior professor and the Head of the Department (HOD) of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Camellia Institute of Technology under MAKAUT (Formerly Known as WBUT). He completed his B. E .and M.E.in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Jadavpur University under faculty of Engineering & Technology, Kolkata. He also completed Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has few years of Industrial Experience and more than 20 years of teaching experience in different institutes. He has published several research papers in various National and International conference proceedings and journals.
Area of interest: Electronic Devices, Wireless Communication, Microwave Engg. & Antenna. His special interest is in wireless communication and marketing management and Internet of Things.
Prof.Uttam Kumar Dey,
B.E.T.C.E., M.E.T.C.E, MBA
Mail: ukd2006@rediffmail.com