Aggregate Impact Testing Machine, Density Basket, Flakiness Index and Elongation Index, Specific Gravity Bottle, Sieves, Balances, Los Angeles Machine, Sieve Shaker, Penetrometer, Thermometer, Water bath , Stop watch , Pensky Martens: Flash and Fire point apparatus, Ring and ball apparatus, coarse aggregate sieve set, Lid and pan asbestos gloves. Modified proctor compaction test: Modified proctor compaction mould, straight edge, core cutter with dolly hammer, enamel tray, GI tray, tongs
Vicat apparatus: balance, trowel, tray, measuring cylinder.
Le-chatelier: balance, trowel, tray, measuring cylinder.
Sieves, Slump Cone: balance, trowel, tray, measuring cylinder, Tamping rod.
Vee-Bee Consistometer: balance, trowel, tray, measuring cylinder Tamping rod.
Compacting Factor apparatus: balance, trowel, tray, measuring cylinder Tamping rod.
Fineness test apparatus:90 micron sieve balance, trowel, tray.
Specific gravity of cement: Specific Gravity Bottle, balance, trowel, tray.
Flakiness index of coarse aggregate: thickness gauge, balance, trowel, tray.
Elongation Index of coarse aggregate: length gauge , balance, trowel, tray.
Specific gravity of coarse aggregate: balance, trowel, tray,wire basket.
water absorbtion of coarse aggregate: balance, trowel, tray, wire basket.
Natural moisture content: air tight container, balance, dessicator,oven
In- situ bulk density test:IS sieve(600 and 300 micron)
Grain size distribution test for cohesion less soil: set of sieves, sieve shaker
Grain size distribution test for fine grained soil: soil hydrometer tube, Liquid limit
Casargande Device Plastic Limit: Plastic Limit Device
Compaction Characteristics of soil: Standard Proctor Mould
Specific Gravity of Soil: Pycnometer
Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil: UCS tesing Machine
Shear Parameter Of soil: Direct Shear Apparatus
Undrained Shear Strength :Vane Shear Apparatus
Total solids, suspended solids and dissolves solids: petri dish, filter paper dessicator, oven
pH of water sample-buffer solution of pH 4,9,7,10; Distilled water
Chloride of water sample: burette stand, pipette, conical flask, beaker, dropper spoon volumetric flask, chemicals
Alkalinity of water sample- burette stand, pipette, conical flask, beaker, dropper ,spoon, volumetric flask, chemicals
Total hardness of water sample: burette stand, pipette, conical flask, beaker, droper spoon volumetric flask, chemicals �salt of EDTA,salt of EBT,HCL,H2SO4 etc
Plastic PP(LDPF) CRYSTAL MODEL SET,Hand specimen of rocks with lebel
Hand specimen of minerals with lebel
Radical laboratory polarizing microscope MODEL-RPL1
Thin section of rock slide, Thin section of minerals slide
Chain Survey: Metric chain, tape, arrows, ranging rods, wooden pegs, field book
Compass Survey: Prismatic compass, metric chain, tape, arrows, ranging rods, plumb-bob, wooden pegs, field book
Plane table Survey: Plane table with tripod stand, alidade(plain or telescopic), spirit level, U-fork with plumb-bob, chain, tape, arrows, ranging rods, drawing sheet, clips
Levelling:Dumpy level with tripod stand, staff, arrows, ranging rods, wooden pegs, chain, tape, level book
Theodilite:Dumpy level with tripod stand, staff, arrows, ranging rods, wooden pegs, chain, tape, level book, pencil, eraser