Dr. Tapas Kumar Majumder working as Associate Professor and head in Department of Electrical Engineering, Camillia Institute of Technology under MAKAUT ( Formerly WBUT) .He completed his B.E in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur University under faculty of Engineering & Technology ,Kolkata and M.Tech in Applied Physics specialization in Electrical Machine & Power system from faculty of Technology Calcutta University. He received his Ph.D from Jadavpur University. He has 37 years Industrial Experience in the field of various type of Electrical Maintenance & Construction works. He has published 12 nos Research paper in various National Journal. He is associated with various professional body as life member.ie
1) Member of Institution of Engineers(India),
2) Associate Member , IETE (India)
3) Life Member Indian Science Congress Association
4) Fellow of Institute of Valuer
5) Fellow of Institute of Technical arbitrator
6) Indian Society for Technical Education
7) Indian Physics association
8) Instrument society of India.
Area of interest: Electrical Machine, Power System and Non-conventional Energy.
Prof(Dr.)Tapas Kumar Majumder ,
HoD(EE) & Associate Professor,CIT